末日之猩 Ape Apocalypse


イベント時間 /

2016/04/30(土) 20:00(+0800)

イベント場所 /

U11 拾壹庫展演空間 (台南市北門路二段30號)

イベントチケット /

  • 預售票

    (2016/04/20 12:00(+0800) ~ 2016/04/30 00:00(+0800))
    TWD$250 販売終了

主催者 /


The truce has been broken.Humanity has shown its true colors,and the primate revolution upon you

This is ... 末日之猩Ape Apocalypse.




Historical log:
The Apes came from a parallel universe where simians rule and humans run wild in the jungle. While on a deep-space mission, their ship fell through a crack in the fabric of reality, leaving them stranded on earth. Despite their sincerest efforts, they have been unable to understand the creature ‘Man’. The beliefs and conduct of Man are, in equal measure, both strange and ominous.
"... After the crash, there was little for us to do other than take these musical instruments and see what we could make with them..." 
The original Space Apes divided into factions and scattered across the planet. Some hoped to live in peace with Humans. Others, however, choose to unite with indigenous simians who had been oppressed for generations. A new, more radical brigade was thus formed, known only as APE APOCALYPSE... 



HALF OF ONE (Space Gorilla): Echos, noises, medicines, and breeding................................. SPARE APE (Space Gorilla): Multi-purpose Simian (Warning Intended for short-term activation only)................................. APE 7: (Space Gorilla Currently inactive) Scout behind Human lines................................. APE 22: (Space Gorilla Currently inactive) Missionary................................. DR. Z (Terra-Chimp): Former librarian and former inmate (He lost an eye)................................. WATERMELON JONES (Terra-Orangutan): Freed servant on a spiritual journey into rock n roll................................. OLD DIRTY APE: (Mountain dweller studying the music of Humans) Human relations Officer................................. CYCLO SAPIEN: (Half man / half ape) Genetically modified double agent................................. Human Girl: Ape management.................................


The Doomsday Gorillas have felled in love with Human ROCK N ROLL, PUNK, SKA, & SURF music Aka: Avant-garde-Jazz


活動日期:2016/4/30 (六)



活動地點:U11 拾壹庫展演空間



票  價:預售 / 現場 NT$250 (皆含一杯酒)



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